These sealing elements are made of rubber or engineering plastics like PTFE (Teflon), Nylon, UHMW-HDPE etc. Rubber seal are made of synthetics rubber like Nitrile, Neoprene, Silicone, Viton, Polyurethane etc.
The different requirements and operating conditions to be found in hydraulics systems, pneumatic system necessitates a wide variety of different types of seals or packings. Dataseal India covers the product range of all applications in the field of hydraulics and pneumatics. Some of the applications of these being used are rod seals, compact seals, U-rings, Piston seals, airzet pneumatic seals, wiper seals, static seals, rotary seals, speedi sleeves, forsheda V-rings, rubberised fabric seals,chevron packings, cup seals, hat seals etc. .